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A process is conflicting with TeamViewer – BGInfo (a process belonging to SysInternals) is known to trigger the “Initiating Display Parameters” hang by conflicting with the TW app.If this is applicable, you can revert this setting by taking a trip to the System Properties screen. The PC is not configured for remote control – It’s also possible that TeamViewer doesn’t have the necessary permissions because your computer is not configured to allow remote control access.If this scenario is applicable, you will be able to resolve it by reinstalling TeamViewer with Unattended Remote Access.

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Unnatended Remove Access is not configured – This error might also occur if the TeamViewer client is not configured to allow connections if someone is not logged in.This is typically reported to be effective in those cases where one of the machines is dealing with an unstable network connection. Display Quality is set to Optimize Quality – Several affected users have reported that the issue was resolved as soon as they changed the Display quality to Optimize Speed.Several users have reported that the connection was initiating without errors once they disabled Remove Remote Wallpaper from the Options menu. Remote Wallpaper is enabled – This particular TW setting is known to facilitate the apparition of this error message.If this scenario is applicable, updating the client to the latest version on both machines should resolve the issue. Versions older than TeamViewer 12 are equipped with a hotfix that resolves the glitch that was known to trigger the “Initiating display parameters”.

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  • TeamViewer version is outdated – One possible scenario is that the TeamViewer client version that you’re using is outdated.

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